Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Quick Updates...

In December I took Jacob to Shriners Hospital to have his feet checked out. He had been complaining of pain for a few years...yes, I said YEARS...but honest, they just hurt him every once in a while, and not for very long, so I just chalked it up to growing pains. Anyway, FINALLY I took him in. Turns out he has Sever's Disease...which sounds way worse than it is. Sever’s disease is directly related to overuse of the bone and tendons in the heel. This can come from playing sports or anything that involves lots of heel movements. It can be associated with starting a new sport, or the start of a new season. Too much weight bearing down on the heel can also cause it as can excessive traction since the bones and tendons are still developing. Sever’s disease is self-recovering, meaning that it will go away on its own when it is used less or when the bone is through growing. It is more common in boys aged 10-14, and Sever's usually subsides by the age of 17 if chronic symptoms appear. So basically, I was right...GROWING PAINS! LOL! However, the doctor did say that since Jacob's discomfort started when he was about 8 or 9, he might be on the tail end of it, so we will see. This is a picture of him in the shorts that Shriners had him wear...they were pretty funny looking.

These next pictures are ones of the boys when they got their cavities filled this last time around. Daniel was super scared, even though, I don't know why, he has had cavities filled before, and didn't have a problem, but this time, needed something to calm him...apparently, it worked!

Jacob and Andrew thought they also needed some...

1 comment:

Teri Bench said...