Thursday, February 28, 2008

Last Resort

Ok, as some of you may know, in March 2004 I started loosing weight. It took me about a year to loose 30 pounds. After my divorce, I lost another 10, and was able to keep that off for the next year and a half. In case you lost count, that is a total of 40 pounds that I lost over a period of 2 years, and was able to keep most of it off for 2 1/2 years. (Hope that makes sense) Even at that weight, I still wanted to loose another 10. Anyway, since I have been married, I have gained 15 pounds back! THIS IS NOT A GOOD THING! I have tried doing what I did before, making myself accountable to friends, but unfortunately, with such good friends I don't care about telling them that I gained a pound or whatever...SOOOOOO I am going public. Don't get excited, there is no way I am going to actually reveal what I weigh! That would make me insane! However, I am going to tell everyone that reads this that I want to loose 12 pounds by my birthday. (April 6th) I will keep you updated on my progress. The basic plan is this: just watch my portions, and exercise. It worked for me before, I just need to try to find what will motivate me this time, and hopefully this is it.
After I loose the 12 pounds, I want to loose another 12 by the end of June, and then another 6 by the end of summer. (realizing that the last 10 pounds will take the longest to get off!) That will make it a total of 30 pounds lost....I am really hoping that I can do this. Like I said, I just need to find what motivates me, and I have tried everything else.....

Alright, I am off to make dinner and keep my portions under control! :-) Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Janet Thwaits said...

As I recall you are always motivated by cash. There's $100 in it for you when you reach your goal weight. However, I love you just the way you are. Mom