Monday, March 3, 2008

Stuck in the Snow

I don't really know how to begin this story...I was driving around our area, picking up some floor plans for homes...and I decided to drive around and just see the other homes in the area. So I turned onto a road that Paul and I had been on before, in the not to recent past, and the snow wasn't an issue then. (I HAD forgotten that about a couple weeks ago we got pounded with a snow storm, and receive alot more snow!) Anyway, so I am happily driving along, when all of a sudden...I GET STUCK! Not just a little stuck. My car won't budge. I get out to survey the damage. I walk around to the passenger side, and the front wheel is spinning like crazy! It is only then that I realize I had left my car in drive so I try to open the passenger door to put the car in park, but it is locked. No biggie, I would just go back to the drivers side. WELL, I suppose that since the car was still in drive, as soon as the door closed, it locked. So I was locked out of my car, front wheel spinning, stuck in snow. I was terrified that the front wheel would catch and my car would leave without me! So I ran to the closest house, knocked on the door. A man about mid fifties opened the door, I quickly told him of my predicament. He was kind enough to offer me a ride to my house (only about a minutes drive away) to get my spare key. I thanked him for his kindness, and he said no problem, he was already done getting funeral arrangements made for his mother the NEXT DAY!

To make a long story short, he also had had kneee replacement surgery, so he couldn't really help push. I found some men on the construction site close by, and 6 men were not able to get my car unstuck. My car was high centered, and I had to leave it there and drive Paul's truck to Salt Lake to take him the things he needed. (As you can see from the picture, I WAS SO CLOSE TO MAKING IT!)

When Paul got done with baseball practice, we went out to my car and, thanks to another kind neighbor with a 20 foot chain, we were able to pull my car out, after we shoveled snow for 20 minutes! I took some pictures, but not sure they do the situation justice.
I am SO ready for spring!


Team Furnival said...

I am ready for some sunshine too! Good to have you back bloggin' again!

Jules said...

remind you of Montana at all?

Amanda said...

Ha you must be who I inherit all my dispositions for weird/crazy situations from. :)

Wendy said...

Julie, I was thinking when it happened how much like Montana it was! How I thought..."Surely the snow must not be that bad!"