Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter

We didn't get to do much with the kids this easter. Most of them were elsewhere. The easter bunny did come visit the 3 youngest boys (Jacob, Andrew, Daniel) and Jeremy. We went to Teri's house and had a wonderful Easter Dinner. I ate entirely too much. TOMORROW I WILL BEGIN AGAIN! We played "Are you smarter than a 5th grader" and unfortunately, we were not! We missed the very last question! It was a good time though. (The other team was smarter-they answered all the questions correctly.) I took a few pictures, so here they are...
These last 2 pictures are just some last minutes ones I took. Not the greatest. Sandy was also there with her boyfriend Kent and his daughter. All the boys were outside playing with their bubbles that grandma got them for Easter...


Team Furnival said...

Ooohhhhhh!!!! That makes me miss you guys so bad! I really miss Sunday dinners over at Aunt Jan (now Teri's) house. Looks like us not being there didn't stop the fun! Love you guys!

Amanda said...

Bahahaha..those are awesome pictures. Too bad you guys don't know fifth grade social science.

Note: that is not knowing how to have a party, as surely you do...exploding eggs and all. :)