Sunday, March 23, 2008

House for Sale

We are putting our home on the market officially tomorrow. We have been spreading the word, and have had a few people interested, mostly familes that live in the Condos across from us. We are really praying that the timing works out for us. We are planning on building a home about a minute up the road from where we are, but that has to be COMPLETE by the time preschool starts in September. (Earlier if possible, that way we will have time to finish the basement and I won't have to do preschool in the main living area!) Not sure how it will go, since the market is not doing so well right now. My neighbor did say (she is a realtor) that homes in Harvest Hills (where I live) are going pretty quickly. So wish me luck and offer up a
prayer or two that things will work out for us. Luckily, if we don't sell, no biggie. We are actually pretty confident that it will sell, just maybe not for the price we need to get out of it. We were just hoping to get into a bigger home with all the kids in our family now. Plus my preschool would have an outside entrance which I would LOVE!

1 comment:

Janet Thwaits said...

Best of luck. I am sure everything will work out~ it always does. I love you, Mom