Thursday, March 27, 2008

Book Shelf

Just a little bit about the books I have listed. I know that most of them are self help books, but they are really fascinating. The color code book is just an interesting read, and once you get an idea of the colors, it's fun to try to figure out what other people are, and once you do that, you can enhance your relationship with them....
Same idea with the Five Love Languages book. This was a very insightful read. Helps you understand your love languages, and also gives you the tools to figure out what other's love languages are so you can express love to that person in a way that is more meaningful to them.
"How to love a porcupine" book was referred to me by a friend. I began reading this to figure out how I could protect myself from those around me exhibiting toxic personalities. I think I was on page 6 when I realized that the book had a lot to offer as far as fixing some toxic behaviors that I exhibit!
"Diary of a Whimpy Kid"...The one book that is on there that isn't self help is a book I came across, referred to me by another friend. (Thanks Robin!) I am telling you, if you are struggling finding a book that your kids actually enjoy reading, pick this one up! There are 2 books right now in the series, and if you need me to, let me know, I can get them for you from scholastic. My younger boys think its funny, but Jacob just LOVES it. He is a little older so he understands the humor a little more. It is a 4th/5th grade reading/comprehension level, but younger kids can still read and enjoy, it is illistrated with cartoons.

1 comment:

Susan said...

'Diary of a Whimpy Kid' is hilarious! I was browsing in Borders a few weeks ago and picked it up and read half of it before Fred forced me to leave. L.O.V.E. it!