Thursday, June 12, 2008


Alright, now it's Paul's turn.

Paul finished teaching the first Wednesday in June. Since I am working during the summer he gets to play Mr. Mom. I know this makes him feel bad, but I really think he got the raw end of the bargain! I come home every night to finished laundry, clean house, and dinner! It has been wonderful.

William picked up the boys this past weekend, so on Sunday, Paul drove to New Mexico to pick up Josh and Sierra so they could spend a couple weeks with their dad. We are really excited to have them here. I know the boys would be disappointed if they knew they were missing out, so we didn't really mention it to them. They really enjoy spending time with Josh, and Daniel LOVES his sister!

Paul cherishes any time he gets to spend with his kids. He got there on Sunday evening, and just hung out with the kids. On Monday morning Paul went with his Dad and Josh fishing. They caught 20 fish or so. They had a great time. Sierra didn't go. She informed her dad that she didn't get up until 9:30 a.m. so the fact that they were leaving HOURS before that, meant she didn't go.

Josh had a game that night, and they all went. Paul was able to be the guest coach that night, which I know meant alot to Paul and Josh both. Josh's team won easily.

Paul, Sierra and Josh drove back up here on Tuesday morning. Unfortunately, Paul didn't get pictures, so I just had him go take some, and this is what he came back with......we are going camping this weekend so better pictures will follow.


Team Furnival said...

Sounds like you are having a fun summer! What a good man Paul is to take over the homestead, and to do a good job to boot! Wish we could get together more! Love ya!

Janet Thwaits said...

I haven't been blogging in a while and have sure missed it....but l have loved catching up. I am so happy we are living close again. I love you, mom

denrich71 said...

Hi Wendy,
Just wanted to drop by and say hello. I was browsing through the names on the website and was just wondering what you had been up to. You have a nice looking family and I wish you well in your busy life.

Dennis Rich