Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Kids,Kids, and now....more kids!

About a month ago the Bishop called me into his office and extended a calling to me. I had gotten the call on Tuesday that he wanted to see me Sunday after church, so I had all week pretty much to speculate what "the call" would be. I was pretty sure it would be Primary, since I haven't served in primary since we moved to Saratoga Springs, (7 1/2 years ago). Ok everyone, pick up your jaw...I know that is UNHEARD of, but let me explain, up until recently, I have had allies, friends, in the Primary Presidency that know how much I deal with kids during the week, on a daily basis. Teaching Preschool all day, and then my own kids at home during the afternoon and evening. My allies in the Primary were safeguarding me from more kids. I was able to enjoy Sunday School, and Relief Society. I looked forward to those 2 hours of church uninterrupted by my own children. Anyway, I have to admit that I was fully prepared to turn down a primary calling. I just couldn't teach little itty bitty kids 6 days a week.
So... back to the Bishops office. He called me to be....(drum roll) Jr. Primary CHORISTER!!! Ok, for those of you who are familiar with me at all, I don't sing in front of anyone but children. And now they were asking me to not only sing, but sing songs I didn't know, in front of not only the children, but the teachers too.
However, it wasn't teaching, so I went ahead and accepted the calling. It was only then that the Bishop kindly reminded me that the primary program would be in 3 weeks! Great, so now I had to really step outside of my comfort zone and LEAD music in front of HUNDREDS of people. I know, they are watching the kids and not me, and believe me, that thought is the only thing that got me through. I made it through, not with flying colors, but I did it none the less.
I still don't know all of the songs. I spend alot of my free time playing the songs on the piano, trying to get the tune, and the words. It's really sad. I am still not at all comfortable standing in front of adults leading music,when I know that any one of them would be a heck of a lot more qualified than me to lead the music...but I will endure. HA HA!

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