Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Laundry Day

Since Jeremy and Aubrey have been living with us, we have come up with a laundry schedule. Mondays and Wednesdays are their days, and I get Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Saturdays and Sundays are open for anyone who HAS to get laundry done, but I have tried to only use the 3 days during the week, that way Jeremy and Aubrey could get laundry done on the weekends if they couldn't do it on Monday or Wednesday.
With me doing laundry for 5 people, only using the washer and dryer 3 days a week can be a challenge. So if you will imagine, by Friday I have done all the laundry and try to get it folded on Saturday, so by Sunday, I am feeling pretty good.
Well, if you read my post earlier, about football season for Andrew, Daniel, and Jacob, combine that with Saturdays being monopolized with BYU football (for those of you who don't know, Paul's oldest son plays back up quarter back for BYU) I was not at all successful with that plan. Here a few pictures of what my laundry situation looked like most Tuesdays.

This was my pile of laundry I still need to fold...

This was the dent I had made sorting and folding in between preschool classes that day...

And this is the laundry that I still had to do that day. (I just wash clothes on Tuesdays, and the on Thursdays and Fridays I was clothes, and sheets, and rugs, etc...)

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