Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Pumpkin Carving

We had a great time carving pumpkins this year. I tried to ignore the pumpkin guts that were getting all over the floor and table. I figured we were making memories, so just suck it up!
Daniel chose a pretty difficult design, and Paul and I ended up having to do most of it. He thought it was pretty cool though. He said it looked just like Iron Man.
This was the desing Jacob picked out. He did this all by himself, he was pretty proud.
Andrew did the skull and cross bones...

WHAT! How did this happen? We couldn't very well leave Athena out of the festivities.
All 3 boys with their jack o lanterns. Paul and I ended up doing one, and then Aubrey had hers, so we ended up with 5 Jack o Lanterns on our porch for Halloween. It looked pretty cool for Halloween.

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