Saturday, July 12, 2008

July 4, 2008

The ones of the boys with stuffed animals are Build-A-Bear stuffies that we did over Memorial Day. They have loved having these. It was money wellk spent! (Preston got his at an earlier time) I was pretty beat by the time 10:00 came around. I had worked all day (DOUBLE TIME PAY) and I had to work the next day. Dad wasn't able to be there because he got called into work to do a couple of surgeries. We missed him, but the kids had fun none the less.

1 comment:

Connie said...

It's pretty sweet that the older boys, even though they are getting so big, are still into things like stuffed animals and would enjoy and activity like Build A Bear Workshop so well. I agree with the philosophy of trying to keep them young for as long as possible.