Wednesday, April 16, 2008

While you were out...

Well, this week, Mom and Dad have been moving into their new Home...Teri and I and our kids have gone over the past couple of days to help. We were cleaning blinds, wiping down doors, etc...Today mom had to go pick up Preston, leaving all of us at her home to do some cleaning. (These pictures were taken with a cell phone camera so resolution isn't that great! Check out my mom's blog for a couple of these, just clearer...we took a couple on her camera as a little "surprise"!)

While mom's away, the kids will PLAY!
Aimee...sorry I mispelled your name on one of the slides...

And I just saw another caption mis-typed...should have read "I THINK this is a dusting wand"

1 comment:

Janet Thwaits said...

And to think I thought you were all at the house working your little butts off. I should have known better. Glad you had a good time and good memories were made. I love you. Mom